Basic Functionalities
Quantization function
函数对输入的 tensor 进行 FQ 操作,即 QDQ 操作,返回假量化张量(浮点值)。tensor_quant
Copy tensor_quant (inputs, amax, num_bits = 8 , output_dtype = torch.float, unsigned = False )
fake_tensor_quant (inputs, amax, num_bits = 8 , output_dtype = torch.float, unsigned = False )
Copy from pytorch_quantization import tensor_quant
# Generate random input. With fixed seed 12345, x should be
# tensor([0.9817, 0.8796, 0.9921, 0.4611, 0.0832, 0.1784, 0.3674, 0.5676, 0.3376, 0.2119])
torch . manual_seed ( 12345 )
x = torch . rand ( 10 )
# fake quantize tensor x. fake_quant_x will be
# tensor([0.9843, 0.8828, 0.9921, 0.4609, 0.0859, 0.1797, 0.3672, 0.5703, 0.3359, 0.2109])
fake_quant_x = tensor_quant . fake_tensor_quant (x, x. abs (). max ())
# quantize tensor x. quant_x will be
# tensor([126., 113., 127., 59., 11., 23., 47., 73., 43., 27.])
# with scale=128.0057
quant_x , scale = tensor_quant . tensor_quant (x, x. abs (). max ())
这两个函数的反向传播函数被定义为直通估计器(STE) 。
Descriptor and quantizer
定义了张量的量化方式。还有一些预定义的 QuantDescriptor
是专门用来量化张量的一个模块,量化方式由 QuantDescriptor
Copy from pytorch_quantization . tensor_quant import QuantDescriptor
from pytorch_quantization . nn . modules . tensor_quantizer import TensorQuantizer
import torch
quant_desc = QuantDescriptor (num_bits = 4 , fake_quant = False , axis = ( 0 ), unsigned = True )
quantizer = TensorQuantizer (quant_desc)
torch . manual_seed ( 12345 )
x = torch . rand ( 10 , 9 , 8 , 7 )
quant_x = quantizer (x)
Copy tensor([[[[15., 13., 15., ..., 1., 3., 6.],
[ 9., 5., 3., ..., 12., 14., 4.] ,
[ 3., 7., 11., ..., 5., 10., 6.] ,
[ 8., 1., 6., ..., 7., 11., 10.] ,
[ 7., 5., 13., ..., 3., 7., 14.] ,
[14., 10., 11., ..., 2., 14., 9.]]]])
Copy """Supportive descriptor of quantization
Describe how a tensor should be quantized. A QuantDescriptor and a tensor defines a quantized tensor.
num_bits: An integer. Number of bits of quantization. It is used to calculate scaling factor. Default 8.
name: Seems a nice thing to have
Keyword Arguments:
fake_quant: A boolean. If True, use fake quantization mode. Default True.
axis: None, int or tuple of int. axes which will have its own max for computing scaling factor.
If None (the default), use per tensor scale.
Must be in the range [-rank(input_tensor), rank(input_tensor)).
e.g. For a KCRS weight tensor, quant_axis=(0) will yield per channel scaling.
Default None.
amax: A float or list/ndarray of floats of user specified absolute max range(绝对值最大的元素). If supplied,
ignore quant_axis and use this to quantize. If learn_amax is True, will be used to initialize
learnable amax. Default None.
learn_amax: A boolean. If True, learn amax. Default False.
scale_amax: A float. If supplied, multiply amax by scale_amax. Default None. It is useful for some
quick experiment.
calib_method: A string. One of ["max", "histogram"] indicates which calibration to use. Except the simple
max calibration, other methods are all hisogram based. Default "max".
unsigned: A Boolean. If True, use unsigned. Default False.
TypeError: If unsupported type is passed in.
Read-only properties:
- fake_quant:
- name:
- learn_amax:
- scale_amax:
- axis:
- calib_method:
- num_bits:
- amax:
- unsigned:
Quantized module
和 Linear
。这两种模块都可以替代 torch.nn
版本,并对权重和激活值进行量化。除了原始模块的参数外,这两种模块都需要 quant_desc_input
和 quant_desc_weight
Copy from torch import nn
from pytorch_quantization import tensor_quant
import pytorch_quantization . nn as quant_nn
# pytorch's module
fc1 = nn . Linear (in_features, out_features, bias = True )
conv1 = nn . Conv2d (in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size)
# quantized version
quant_fc1 = quant_nn . Linear (
in_features, out_features, bias = True ,
quant_desc_input = tensor_quant.QUANT_DESC_8BIT_PER_TENSOR,
quant_desc_weight = tensor_quant.QUANT_DESC_8BIT_LINEAR_WEIGHT_PER_ROW)
quant_conv1 = quant_nn . Conv2d (
in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size,
quant_desc_input = tensor_quant.QUANT_DESC_8BIT_PER_TENSOR,
quant_desc_weight = tensor_quant.QUANT_DESC_8BIT_CONV2D_WEIGHT_PER_CHANNEL)
Copy QUANT_DESC_8BIT_PER_TENSOR = QuantDescriptor (num_bits = 8 )
QUANT_DESC_UNSIGNED_8BIT_PER_TENSOR = QuantDescriptor (num_bits = 8 , unsigned = True )
QUANT_DESC_8BIT_CONV1D_WEIGHT_PER_CHANNEL = QuantDescriptor (num_bits = 8 , axis = ( 0 ))
QUANT_DESC_8BIT_CONV2D_WEIGHT_PER_CHANNEL = QuantDescriptor (num_bits = 8 , axis = ( 0 ))
QUANT_DESC_8BIT_CONV3D_WEIGHT_PER_CHANNEL = QuantDescriptor (num_bits = 8 , axis = ( 0 ))
QUANT_DESC_8BIT_LINEAR_WEIGHT_PER_ROW = QuantDescriptor (num_bits = 8 , axis = ( 0 ))
QUANT_DESC_8BIT_CONVTRANSPOSE1D_WEIGHT_PER_CHANNEL = QuantDescriptor (num_bits = 8 , axis = ( 0 ))
QUANT_DESC_8BIT_CONVTRANSPOSE2D_WEIGHT_PER_CHANNEL = QuantDescriptor (num_bits = 8 , axis = ( 0 ))
QUANT_DESC_8BIT_CONVTRANSPOSE3D_WEIGHT_PER_CHANNEL = QuantDescriptor (num_bits = 8 , axis = ( 0 ))
Post training quantization
只需调用 quant_modules.initialize()
Copy import torch
import torchvision
from pytorch_quantization import tensor_quant , quant_modules
from pytorch_quantization import nn as quant_nn
quant_modules . initialize ()
model = torchvision . models . resnet18 ()
model . cuda ()
inputs = torch . randn ( 1 , 3 , 224 , 224 , device = 'cuda' )
quant_nn . TensorQuantizer . use_fb_fake_quant = True
torch . onnx . export (model, inputs, 'quant_resnet18.onnx' , opset_version = 13 )
上述示例代码通过指定 quant_nn.TensorQuantizer.use_fb_fake_quant
来将 resnet18
模型中的所有节点替换为 QDQ
算子,并导出为 ONNX
函数会把 PyTorch-Quantization
库中所有的量化算子按照数据类型、位宽等特性进行分类,并将其保存在全局变量 _DEFAULT_QUANT_MAP
导出的带有 QDQ 节点的 ONNX 模型中,对于输入 input
的整个 tensor
是共用一个 scale
,而对于权重 weight
则是每个 channel
共用一个 scale
导出的带有 QDQ 节点的 ONNX 模型中, x_zero_point
是之前提到的偏移量,其值为0,因为整个量化过程是对称量化,其偏移量 Z 为0
校准是 TensorRT 的术语,即把数据样本传递给量化器,并决定amax
(绝对值最大的元素)的最佳值。我们支持 4 种校准方法:
: 根据给定的百分位数去除离群值。
以下示例校准方法设置为 mse
Copy # Find the TensorQuantizer and enable calibration
for name , module in model . named_modules ():
if name . endswith ( '_quantizer' ):
module . enable_calib ()
module . disable_quant () # Use full precision data to calibrate
# Feeding data samples
model (x)
# ...
# Finalize calibration
for name , module in model . named_modules ():
if name . endswith ( '_quantizer' ):
module . load_calib_amax ()
module . disable_calib ()
module . enable_quant ()
# If running on GPU, it needs to call .cuda() again because new tensors will be created by calibration process
model . cuda ()
# Keep running the quantized model
# ...
Quantization Aware Training
Quantization Aware Training
基于直通估计(STE)导数近似。它有时被称为 "量化感知训练"。
校准完成后,量化感知训练只需选择一个训练计划,然后继续训练校准后的模型。通常,它不需要微调很长时间。我们通常使用原始训练计划的 10% 左右,从初始训练学习率的 1% 开始,使用余弦退火学习率,按照余弦周期的一半递减,直到初始微调学习率的 1% (初始训练学习率的 0.01%)。
Some recommendations
要使 STE 近似效果良好,最好使用较小的学习率。大的学习率更有可能扩大 STE 近似引入的方差,破坏训练好的网络。
在训练过程中不要改变量化scale,至少不要过于频繁。每一步都改变scale,实际上就等于每一步都改变数据格式(e8m7、e5m10、e3m4 等),这很容易影响收敛性。
Export to ONNX
导出到 ONNX 的目的是部署到 TensorRT,因此,我们只将假量化模型导出为 TensorRT 可以接受的形式 。假量化将分解为一对 QuantizeLinear/DequantizeLinear
ONNX 操作。TensorRT 将获取生成的 ONNX 图,并以最优化的方式在 int8 中执行。
目前,我们只支持导出 int8 和 fp8 假量化模块。此外,量化模块在导出到 ONNX 之前需要进行校准。
假量化模型可以像其他 Pytorch 模型一样导出到 ONNX。有关将 Pytorch 模型导出到 ONNX 的更多信息,请访问 torch.onnx 。例如
Copy import pytorch_quantization
from pytorch_quantization import nn as quant_nn
from pytorch_quantization import quant_modules
quant_modules . initialize ()
model = torchvision . models . resnet50 ()
# load the calibrated model
state_dict = torch . load ( "quant_resnet50-entropy-1024.pth" , map_location = "cpu" )
model . load_state_dict (state_dict)
model . cuda ()
dummy_input = torch . randn ( 128 , 3 , 224 , 224 , device = 'cuda' )
input_names = [ "actual_input_1" ]
output_names = [ "output1" ]
with pytorch_quantization . enable_onnx_export ():
# enable_onnx_checker needs to be disabled. See notes below.
torch . onnx . export (
model, dummy_input, "quant_resnet50.onnx" , verbose = True , opset_version = 10 , enable_onnx_checker = False
中的 QuantizeLinear
和 DequantizeLinear
Quantizing Resnet50
Create a quantized model
Copy import torch
import torch . utils . data
from torch import nn
from pytorch_quantization import nn as quant_nn
from pytorch_quantization import calib
from pytorch_quantization . tensor_quant import QuantDescriptor
from torchvision import models
sys . path . append ( "path to torchvision/references/classification/" )
from train import evaluate , train_one_epoch , load_data
Adding quantized modules
可以用来替代 nn.Linear
。这些量化层可以通过 " Monkey-patching
"自动替换,也可以通过手动修改模型定义来替换。自动层替换是通过 quant_modules
Copy from pytorch_quantization import quant_modules
quant_modules . initialize ()
这将适用于每个模块的所有实例。如果不希望对所有模块进行量化,则应手动替换已量化的模块。也可以使用 quant_nn.TensorQuantizer
是一种编程术语,指的是在运行时动态修改或扩展现有的代码,通常是在不修改原始源代码的情况下实现。这种技术允许开发者在程序运行过程中修改类、函数、方法或模块的行为,以满足特定的需求或修复 bug
Post training quantization
Copy quant_desc_input = QuantDescriptor (calib_method = 'histogram' )
quant_nn . QuantConv2d . set_default_quant_desc_input (quant_desc_input)
quant_nn . QuantLinear . set_default_quant_desc_input (quant_desc_input)
model = models . resnet50 (pretrained = True )
model . cuda ()
要收集激活值的直方图,我们必须向模型输入样本数据。首先,按照训练脚本创建 ImageNet
个样本(2 批,每批 512 个)足以估计激活值的分布。
Copy data_path = "PATH to imagenet"
batch_size = 512
traindir = os . path . join (data_path, 'train' )
valdir = os . path . join (data_path, 'val' )
dataset , dataset_test , train_sampler , test_sampler = load_data (traindir, valdir, False , False )
data_loader = torch . utils . data . DataLoader (
dataset, batch_size = batch_size,
sampler = train_sampler, num_workers = 4 , pin_memory = True )
data_loader_test = torch . utils . data . DataLoader (
dataset_test, batch_size = batch_size,
sampler = test_sampler, num_workers = 4 , pin_memory = True )
Copy def collect_stats ( model , data_loader , num_batches ):
"""Feed data to the network and collect statistic"""
# Enable calibrators
for name , module in model . named_modules ():
if isinstance (module, quant_nn.TensorQuantizer):
if module . _calibrator is not None :
module . disable_quant ()
module . enable_calib ()
else :
module . disable ()
for i , (image , _) in tqdm ( enumerate (data_loader), total = num_batches):
model (image. cuda ())
if i >= num_batches :
# Disable calibrators
for name , module in model . named_modules ():
if isinstance (module, quant_nn.TensorQuantizer):
if module . _calibrator is not None :
module . enable_quant ()
module . disable_calib ()
else :
module . enable ()
def compute_amax ( model , ** kwargs ):
# Load calib result
for name , module in model . named_modules ():
if isinstance (module, quant_nn.TensorQuantizer):
if module . _calibrator is not None :
if isinstance (module._calibrator, calib.MaxCalibrator):
module . load_calib_amax ()
else :
module . load_calib_amax ( ** kwargs)
print ( F " { name :40 } : { module } " )
model . cuda ()
# It is a bit slow since we collect histograms on CPU
with torch . no_grad ():
collect_stats (model, data_loader, num_batches = 2 )
compute_amax (model, method = "percentile" , percentile = 99.99 )
),表示量化空间中可表示的绝对值最大的输入。默认情况下,权重 scale
为 per channel
的,而激活函数的 scale
为 per tensor
的。我们可以通过打印每个 TensorQuantizer
模块来查看 amax
Copy conv1._input_quantizer : TensorQuantizer(8bit fake per-tensor amax=2.6400 calibrator=MaxCalibrator(track_amax=False) quant)
conv1._weight_quantizer : TensorQuantizer(8bit fake axis=(0) amax=[0.0000, 0.7817](64) calibrator=MaxCalibrator(track_amax=False) quant)
layer1.0.conv1._input_quantizer : TensorQuantizer(8bit fake per-tensor amax=6.8645 calibrator=MaxCalibrator(track_amax=False) quant)
layer1.0.conv1._weight_quantizer : TensorQuantizer(8bit fake axis=(0) amax=[0.0000, 0.7266](64) calibrator=MaxCalibrator(track_amax=False) quant)
Evaluate the calibrated model
接下来,我们将在 ImageNet 验证集上评估训练后量化(PTQ)模型的分类准确性。
Copy criterion = nn . CrossEntropyLoss ()
with torch . no_grad ():
evaluate (model, criterion, data_loader_test, device = "cuda" , print_freq = 20 )
# Save the model
torch . save (model. state_dict (), "/tmp/quant_resnet50-calibrated.pth" )
的准确率为 76.1%
,接近预训练模型 76.2%
Use different calibration
Copy with torch . no_grad ():
compute_amax (model, method = "percentile" , percentile = 99.9 )
evaluate (model, criterion, data_loader_test, device = "cuda" , print_freq = 20 )
with torch . no_grad ():
for method in [ "mse" , "entropy" ] :
print ( F " { method } calibration" )
compute_amax (model, method = method)
evaluate (model, criterion, data_loader_test, device = "cuda" , print_freq = 20 )
MSE 和熵校准模型准确率均超过 76%。对于 resnet50 而言,99.9%分位数过滤的数值过多,准确率会稍低。
Quantization Aware Training
Copy criterion = nn . CrossEntropyLoss ()
optimizer = torch . optim . SGD (model. parameters (), lr = 0.0001 )
lr_scheduler = torch . optim . lr_scheduler . StepLR (optimizer, step_size = 1 , gamma = 0.1 )
# Training takes about one and half hour per epoch on a single V100
train_one_epoch (model, criterion, optimizer, data_loader, "cuda" , 0 , 100 )
# Save the model
torch . save (model. state_dict (), "/tmp/quant_resnet50-finetuned.pth" )
进行微调,可以进一步提高准确率。例如,从学习率为 0.001
开始,使用余弦退火对 15 个 epoch
进行微调,可以获得 76.7%
Further optimization
为了在 TensorRT 上实现高效推理,我们需要了解运行时优化的更多细节。TensorRT 支持量化卷积和残差加法的融合。新的融合算子有两个输入。我们称它们为卷积输入和残差输入。在这里,融合算子的输出精度必须与残差输入精度相匹配。如果在融合算子之后还有另一个量化节点,我们可以在残差输入和元素相加节点之间插入一对QDQ节点,这样卷积节点之后的量化节点就会与卷积节点融合,卷积节点就会完全量化为 INT8 输入和输出。我们不能使用猴子补丁来自动应用这种优化,而需要手动插入QDQ节点。
首先从 创建 的副本,修改构造函数,显式添加 bool 类型的量化标志
Copy def resnet50 ( pretrained : bool = False , progress : bool = True , quantize : bool = False , ** kwargs : Any) -> ResNet:
return _resnet ( 'resnet50' , Bottleneck, [ 3 , 4 , 6 , 3 ], pretrained, progress, quantize, ** kwargs)
def _resnet ( arch : str , block : Type [ Union [ BasicBlock , Bottleneck ]], layers : List [ int ], pretrained : bool , progress : bool ,
quantize : bool , ** kwargs : Any) -> ResNet:
model = ResNet (block, layers, quantize, ** kwargs)
class ResNet ( nn . Module ):
def __init__ ( self ,
block : Type [ Union [ BasicBlock , Bottleneck ]],
layers : List [ int ],
quantize : bool = False ,
num_classes : int = 1000 ,
zero_init_residual : bool = False ,
groups : int = 1 ,
width_per_group : int = 64 ,
replace_stride_with_dilation : Optional [ List [ bool ]] = None ,
norm_layer : Optional [ Callable [ ... , nn . Module ]] = None ) -> None :
super (ResNet, self). __init__ ()
self . _quantize = quantize
当 self._quantize
标志设置为 True
时, quant_nn.QuantConv2d
将替换所有 nn.Conv2d
Copy def conv3x3 ( in_planes : int ,
out_planes : int ,
stride : int = 1 ,
groups : int = 1 ,
dilation : int = 1 ,
quantize : bool = False ) -> nn . Conv2d:
"""3x3 convolution with padding"""
if quantize :
return quant_nn . QuantConv2d (in_planes,
kernel_size = 3 ,
stride = stride,
padding = dilation,
groups = groups,
bias = False ,
dilation = dilation)
else :
return nn . Conv2d (in_planes,
kernel_size = 3 ,
stride = stride,
padding = dilation,
groups = groups,
bias = False ,
dilation = dilation)
def conv1x1 ( in_planes : int , out_planes : int , stride : int = 1 , quantize : bool = False ) -> nn . Conv2d:
"""1x1 convolution"""
if quantize :
return quant_nn . QuantConv2d (in_planes, out_planes, kernel_size = 1 , stride = stride, bias = False )
else :
return nn . Conv2d (in_planes, out_planes, kernel_size = 1 , stride = stride, bias = False )
在 BasicBlock
和 Bottleneck
中都可以找到残差 conv add。我们首先需要在 __init__
Copy def __init__ ( self ,
inplanes : int ,
planes : int ,
stride : int = 1 ,
downsample : Optional [ nn . Module ] = None ,
groups : int = 1 ,
base_width : int = 64 ,
dilation : int = 1 ,
norm_layer : Optional [ Callable [ ... , nn . Module ]] = None ,
quantize : bool = False ) -> None :
# other code...
self . _quantize = quantize
if self . _quantize :
self . residual_quantizer = quant_nn . TensorQuantizer (quant_nn.QuantConv2d.default_quant_desc_input)
最后,我们需要对 BasicBlock
和 Bottleneck
Copy def forward ( self , x : Tensor) -> Tensor:
# other code...
if self . _quantize :
out += self . residual_quantizer (identity)
else :
out += identity
out = self . relu (out)
return out
量化后的最终 resnet 代码见
Creating Custom Quantized Modules
QuantConv1d, QuantConv2d, QuantConv3d, QuantConvTranspose1d, QuantConvTranspose2d, QuantConvTranspose3d
QuantAvgPool1d, QuantAvgPool2d, QuantAvgPool3d, QuantMaxPool1d, QuantMaxPool2d, QuantMaxPool3d
要量化一个模块,我们需要量化输入和权重。以下是 3 种主要用例:
直接将 TensorQuantizer
Quantizing Modules With Only Inputs
一个合适的例子是量化 pooling
我们需要提供一个函数,它以原始模块为输入,并在其周围添加 TensorQuantizer
Copy class QuantMaxPool2d ( pooling . MaxPool2d , _utils . QuantInputMixin ):
函数将调用原始模块的 init
函数,并提供相应的参数。只有一个使用 **kwargs
工具包含 pop_quant_desc_in_kwargs
方法,该方法可从输入中提取量化配置信息,如果输入为空,则返回默认值。最后调用 init_quantizer
方法,初始化 TensorQuantizer
Copy def __init__ ( self , kernel_size , stride = None , padding = 0 , dilation = 1 ,
return_indices = False , ceil_mode = False , ** kwargs ):
super (QuantMaxPool2d, self). __init__ (kernel_size, stride, padding, dilation,
return_indices, ceil_mode)
quant_desc_input = _utils . pop_quant_desc_in_kwargs (self. __class__ , input_only = True , ** kwargs)
self . init_quantizer (quant_desc_input)
函数,该函数将使用 _input_quantizer
对输入进行量化,而 _input_quantizer
已在 __init__
Copy def forward ( self , input ):
quant_input = self . _input_quantizer ( input )
return super (QuantMaxPool2d, self). forward (quant_input)
最后,我们需要为 _input_quantizer
定义一个 getter
方法。例如,可以使用 module.input_quantizer.disable()
Copy @ property
def input_quantizer ( self ):
return self . _input_quantizer
Copy class QuantMaxPool2d ( pooling . MaxPool2d , _utils . QuantInputMixin ):
"""Quantized 2D maxpool"""
def __init__ ( self , kernel_size , stride = None , padding = 0 , dilation = 1 ,
return_indices = False , ceil_mode = False , ** kwargs ):
super (QuantMaxPool2d, self). __init__ (kernel_size, stride, padding, dilation,
return_indices, ceil_mode)
# 提取量化描述符
quant_desc_input = _utils . pop_quant_desc_in_kwargs (self. __class__ , input_only = True , ** kwargs)
self . init_quantizer (quant_desc_input)
def forward ( self , input ):
quant_input = self . _input_quantizer ( input )
return super (QuantMaxPool2d, self). forward (quant_input)
@ property
def input_quantizer ( self ):
return self . _input_quantizer
Quantizing Modules With Weights and Inputs
我们将举例说明如何量化 torch.nn.Linear
模块量化示例相比,唯一的变化就是我们需要在 Linear
Copy class QuantLinear ( nn . Linear , _utils . QuantMixin ):
在 __init__
函数中,我们首先使用 pop_quant_desc_in_kwargs
函数提取输入和权重的量化描述符。其次,我们使用这些量化描述符初始化输入和权重的 TensorQuantizer
Copy def __init__ ( self , in_features , out_features , bias = True , ** kwargs ):
super (QuantLinear, self). __init__ (in_features, out_features, bias)
quant_desc_input , quant_desc_weight = _utils . pop_quant_desc_in_kwargs (self. __class__ , ** kwargs)
self . init_quantizer (quant_desc_input, quant_desc_weight)
通过 _input_quantizer
和 _weight_quantizer
Copy def forward ( self , input ):
quant_input = self . _input_quantizer ( input )
quant_weight = self . _weight_quantizer (self.weight)
output = F . linear (quant_input, quant_weight, bias = self.bias)
return output
与输入/权重相关的 TensorQuantizer
模块添加了 getter
方法。例如,可以通过调用 module_obj.weight_quantizer.disable()
Copy @ property
def input_quantizer ( self ):
return self . _input_quantizer
@ property
def weight_quantizer ( self ):
return self . _weight_quantizer
Copy class QuantLinear ( nn . Linear , _utils . QuantMixin ):
def __init__ ( self , in_features , out_features , bias = True , ** kwargs ):
super (QuantLinear, self). __init__ (in_features, out_features, bias)
quant_desc_input , quant_desc_weight = _utils . pop_quant_desc_in_kwargs (self. __class__ , ** kwargs)
self . init_quantizer (quant_desc_input, quant_desc_weight)
def forward ( self , input ):
quant_input = self . _input_quantizer ( input )
quant_weight = self . _weight_quantizer (self.weight)
output = F . linear (quant_input, quant_weight, bias = self.bias)
return output
@ property
def input_quantizer ( self ):
return self . _input_quantizer
@ property
def weight_quantizer ( self ):
return self . _weight_quantizer
Directly Quantizing Inputs In Graph
Copy test_input = torch . randn ( 1 , 5 , 5 , 5 , dtype = torch.double)
quantizer = TensorQuantizer (quant_nn.QuantLinear.default_quant_desc_input)
quant_input = quantizer (test_input)
out = F . adaptive_avg_pool2d (quant_input, 3 )
假设图中有一个 F.adaptive_avg_pool2d
操作,我们想对这个操作进行量化。在上面的示例中,我们使用 TensorQuantizer(quant_nn.QuantLinear.default_quant_desc_input)
定义了一个量化器,然后用它来量化输入,并将量化后的结果输入到 F.adaptive_avg_pool2d